Monday, November 8

Today's Topics - Domain and Blog Backgrounds

Identify parts of a URL - read my blog
  • Identify websites where you can purchase your own Domain.
  • Demonstrate creating your own Domain on blogger 
  • Explore domain auctions.
  • See if your name is already taken 
  • Identify - .com, .net, .info, .biz, etc. - what is the difference between them? 
We will explore 
To see what services they provide.

  1. Create a post defining Domain.
  2. Create a Domain for your blog - using blogger (or a Domain that you would actually want to use someday) - to see if it is available (you will not actually purchase the domain) - take a screen shot and add it to your Domain post.
  3. Change your background by adding a HTML gadget. 
  4. Create a post telling about blog backgrounds - where can one go to change their backgrounds.  Explain how you do change your blog background.

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